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Fri, Jan 03Varsity Hockey (A) vs MasonL 1-32-14 / Played at Heritage Bank Center
 Varsity Basketball (H) vs Bishop Verot (FL)W 51-456-2
Sat, Jan 04Varsity A Purple Bowling (A) competes in the Back to School Bash Tournament.W 2334-03-0 / Qualified 12th, Finished 4th; Defeated Little Miami 2-0, Colerain 2-0, Oak Hills 2-0, Fell to Anderson 0-2
 Junior Varsity Wrestling (A) vs New Richmond H.S. JV Tournament9:00 AMNew Richmond High School
 Varsity B White Bowling (A) competes in the Covington Catholic Invitational Tournament.W 1704-03-5 / Qualified 11th; Finished 11th
 Varsity Swimming and Diving (A) vs Center Grove Holiday Invite10:00 AMCenter Grove High School
 Varsity Hockey (H) vs Beavercreek6:00 PMNorthland
Sun, Jan 05Freshman Basketball (A) vs Wayne3:00 PMEvent Postponed
 Junior Varsity Basketball (A) vs Wayne4:30 PMEvent Postponed
Tue, Jan 07Junior Varsity Bowling (H) vs Loveland4:00 PMWestern Bowl
 Varsity A Purple Bowling (H) vs Loveland4:00 PMWestern Bowl
 Varsity Basketball (A) vs Wayne6:00 PMWayne High School
Wed, Jan 08Varsity B White Bowling (A) vs Turpin3:30 PMCherry Grove Lanes
 Junior Varsity Wrestling (A) vs Ryle Dual5:00 PMRyle High School
 Varsity Wrestling (A) vs Ryle7:00 PMRyle High School
Thu, Jan 09Varsity Swimming and Diving (A) vs St Xavier / La Salle6:30 PMSt. Xavier High School
Fri, Jan 10Freshman Basketball (H) vs Moeller4:30 PMElder Memorial Fieldhouse
 Junior Varsity Wrestling (A) vs Reading5:00 PMReading High School
 Junior Varsity Basketball (H) vs Moeller6:00 PMElder Memorial Fieldhouse
 Varsity Basketball (H) vs Moeller7:30 PMElder Memorial Fieldhouse
Sat, Jan 11Junior Varsity B Wrestling (H) vs Elder Rookies Tournament9:30 AMElder High School
 Junior Varsity Wrestling (A) vs Reading10:00 AMReading High School
 Varsity Swimming and Diving (A) vs Princeton Invitational11:15 AMPrinceton High School
 Freshman Basketball (A) vs Mariemont3:00 PMMariemont High School
 Varsity Hockey (H) vs Jr. Cyclones4:00 PMNorthland
 Junior Varsity Basketball (A) vs Mariemont4:30 PMMariemont High School
 Varsity Basketball (A) vs Mariemont6:30 PMMariemont High School
Sun, Jan 12Varsity A Purple Bowling (A) competes in the Lancer Baker Bash Tournament.9:00 AMNorthwest Lanes
 Varsity B White Bowling (A) competes in the Lancer Baker Bash Tournament.9:00 AMNorthwest Lanes
 Varsity Hockey (H) vs Mason4:00 PMNorthland
Mon, Jan 13Varsity A Purple Bowling (H) vs West Clermont4:00 PMWestern Bowl / Grade School Night
 Junior Varsity Bowling (H) vs West Clermont4:00 PMWestern Bowl / Grade School Night
Tue, Jan 14Varsity A Purple Bowling (H) vs GCL Quad7:00 PMWestern Bowl
 Varsity Swimming and Diving (A) vs MoellerTBATBD
Wed, Jan 15Varsity B White Bowling (A) vs Hamilton4:00 PMTBA / Pohlman Lanes
 Junior Varsity Bowling (A) vs Hamilton4:00 PMTBA / Pohlman Lanes
Fri, Jan 17Freshman Basketball (A) vs La Salle4:30 PMLa Salle High School
 Junior Varsity Basketball (A) vs La Salle6:00 PMLa Salle High School
 Varsity Basketball (A) vs La Salle7:30 PMLa Salle High School
Sat, Jan 18Varsity A Purple Bowling (A) competes in the Sweet 16 Tournament Tournament.9:00 AMPoelking Lanes South
 Varsity Swimming and Diving (A) vs Southwest Classic9:00 AMPowel Crosley YMCA
 Junior Varsity B Wrestling (A) vs Buckeye Classic10:00 AMCenterville High School
 Varsity Wrestling (H) vs Catholic Invitational Tournament10:00 AMElder Memorial Fieldhouse
 Freshman Basketball (A) vs Hamilton4:30 PMHamilton High School
 Junior Varsity Basketball (A) vs Hamilton6:00 PMHamilton High School
 Varsity Swimming and Diving (A) vs Southwest Classic6:30 PMSt. Xavier High School
 Varsity Basketball (A) vs Hamilton7:30 PMHamilton High School
Sun, Jan 19Varsity B White Bowling (A) competes in the CARDINAL CLASSIC Tournament.8:30 AMNorthwest Lanes
 Varsity Swimming and Diving (A) vs Southwest Classic9:00 AMPowel Crosley YMCA
 Varsity Wrestling (H) vs Catholic Invitational Tournament10:00 AMElder Memorial Fieldhouse
 Varsity Hockey (A) vs Troy Club10:15 AMHobart Arena
 Varsity Swimming and Diving (A) vs Southwest Classic6:30 PMSt. Xavier High School
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